Pigeon 3 Saving Tips & Tricks from 3 Shoppers

The Pigeon saving tips you see here were updated We currently have 3 active community members who are sharing saving tips at pigeonstore.com.

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Create a helpful saving tips for shopping at Pigeon

I bought some adorable stuff for my new little nephew and didn't even realize I spent over $50. Luckily, I got automatic free shipping, which is a nice surprise. It's so lovely to buy gifts without spending money on shipping.

surprise cheap gifts adorable online shopping free shipping baby gifts Gifts
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If you sign up for the email newsletter, you can get 10% off your first order. I LOVE IT!!

first order discounts email newsletter
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Don't forget to check out the sale section! Some great deals up to 20% off are available on selected items. I found a cute bottle for my little sister at a special price.

Bottle special price discounts deals sale
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