Pigeon 2 Discussions & 2 Replies by 4 Shoppers

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The Pigeon discussions you see here were updated We currently have 4 active community members who are discussing about pigeonstore.com.

Pigeon discussions

Are pigeon baby bottles dishwasher safe?​

I'm interested in purchasing a Pigeon bottle, but I've noticed some pieces aren't compatible with the dishwasher. I'd like to know if the baby bottles from Pige... read more
Pigeon bottles baby bottles dishwasher safe Pigeon baby bottles

Useful for 0 shoppers + 1 replies

PPSU vs Glass bottle: Which one is better for newborn?

As a new mom, I totally get that everyone wants the best for their little one. That's why I'm searching for the perfect bottle for my newborn. I'm all ears for... read more
glass bottle PPSU bottle Baby Feeding newborn feeding Baby Bottle newborn bottle

Useful for 0 shoppers + 1 replies